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The 2015-16 season of the first-level leagues in the 55 UEFA member countries goes on file. Together with the official final rankings, the many play-offs, playoffs, playouts, verdicts and cup finals and other club tournaments, the authors have collected in two magazine-type publications (the first from Albania to Latvia, the second from Liechtenstein to Hungary ), formed respectively of 80 and 76 pages, both produced in four-color process, the images of the 753 club teams that took part in the top categories of each European nation. A true allegory of colors accompanied by many numbers and comments on the 55 championships covered. The second part of the work concludes with two "goodies" in relation to the images and figures of two unofficial championships, but in any case played during 2015-16, such as that of the Vatican City and that of Crimea, the republic detached from 'Ukraine is annexed to Russia without international recognition.

CalcioEuropa - Colors & Champions - Part 1: Albania-Latvia

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