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The journalist Andrea Verdolini has not lost even one iota of the beautiful story of Mr. Osvaldo Jaconi and his long career first as a footballer and then as a coach. A career full of satisfactions for the "Commander", capable of achieving many provincial miracles that have made him the most victorious and "promoted" coach in Italy. Eleven successes that bear the names, in no particular order, of Castel di Sangro (twice), Livorno, Fano, Savoia, Ivrea, Lecco, Leonzio, Montegranaro and, last but not least, the beloved Civitanovese, conducted twice in the category higher. However, we must not forget the long curriculum of footballer who started in Seregno, continued in Lecco with tricolor youth titles and his debut in Serie A as the youngest player of the 1966-67 championship. Nine years in blue with the only interval of one season at Pistoiese, then Teramo, Brindisi, Riccione to finish in the rossoblù at Civitanova Marche. A book not to be missed.

Osvaldo Jaconi - "The Commander"

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